Department of Philosophy
The Department of Philosophy was established for the first time along with the other departments starting from the 1998/1999 academic year after the school moved from Kharrouba, Hussein Dey to its current headquarters in Bouzareah.
Students receive a scientific training in pedagogy and didactics followed by a field training in the secondary school carried out by assigned trainers and inspectors in philosophy.
Successful students will join their positions at the secondary education level at the Ministry of National Education as soon as they graduate as a result of the contract signed between the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education, which ensures that ENS graduates are appointed as professors in secondary education without passing a recruitment contest.
The Department carries out its tasks as what relates to:
Academic training of students
The academic training of a secondary education teacher of philosophy over five years
The Scientific Committee of the Department is an advisory body which expresses its views and recommendations as follows:
- Content of the educational programs;
- Proposals for the opening, extension and closure of Master training divisions or specialties;
- Research program suggestions;
- Organization of research work;
- Proposals for the establishment or abolition of research laboratories;
- Proposals to open, extend and / or close the training and specialization of PhDs and to determine the number of positions to be filled;
- Adoption of research topics in doctoral training and suggestion of thesis defense committees;
- Proposing university rehabilitation committees;
- Proposing programs for continuous training activities, improvement of level and renewal of knowledge;
- Studying the outcomes of the pedagogical and scientific activities of the department which are sent to the Director, accompanied by the Committee’s opinions and recommendations. The committee expresses its opinion on every other issue of a pedagogical or scientific nature presented to it by the department head.